Auxiliary Emergency Fund

Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF)

“Members Helping Members”

The purpose of the Auxiliary Emergency Fund Committee is to raise funds for the Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF), to promote knowledge about the program, and to send information to members about the application process. The AEF was created to help members who have suffered a significant financial setback as the result of an act of nature or other
personal crisis when no other source of aid is readily available.

Supporting the Auxiliary Emergency Fund is made by donations. Donations may be made by going to the web site, and follow the links to the AEF page, where there are links for donations. Donations may be made either by individuals or units. An individual donation of $100, sent directly to National, will earn you a “Members Helping Members” pin, which will be sent out by National, on a quarterly basis. Unit donations should be sent to
Department Headquarters, with AEF in the memo section. Please email me with any Unit/individual donations.

Even if your Unit doesn’t have an AEF chair/committee, donations can still be collected. Have your Pages/Sgt. At Arms collect change at each meeting by passing around a bucket, have each member fill an empty water bottle at home. Keep a running total, then send one check to Department before April 15, 2024.

AEF Assistance Information: The AEF can provide eligible members with temporary aid for:
1. Financial crisis: funds for shelter and utilities
2. Disaster relief: for weather-related emergencies and natural disasters
3. Educational training: due to life changes causing the ALA member to assume the role of primary support for the family.

In each case, as a first course of action, persons are encouraged to make every effort to secure financial assistance through local, state and federal agencies before applying to the ALA for AEF assistance.

Members of the ALA who have maintained membership for at least the immediate past two years and who have paid their dues for the current year (three consecutive years of membership) are eligible to apply.

AEF Grant: The maximum amount of any AEF grant is $2400 and may be disbursed as decided by the National AEF Grant Committee. Payments may be made directly to the member, or at the discretion of the National committee, to a mortgage company or utility company. In the case of educational grants, payments may be made directly to the educational institution.

Reminders: AEF collections and donations are restricted funds, must go to the ALA Department Headquarters, and from there to the National Headquarters. Applications for AEF assistance must go to the National AEF Grant Committee. Funds are not disbursed at the Unit or Department level.

REPORTING: Mid-Year Reports should be postmarked by Dec, 1, 2023 with End-Of-Year Reports due Apr. 15, 2024. Please provide any additional information you would like to share regarding your Unit AEF Program activities in a narrative. Pictures are welcome. To be considered for an award, a narrative limited to 1,000 words submitted in Word format including word count and a completed award cover sheet must accompany this report form.

Other: Join the ALA National Auxiliary Emergency Fund Facebook group and check the National ALA website frequently for updates. Please contact us if you have any questions or need information.


AEF Committee

 Chair: Lynne Norton
Email Address:  [email protected]
Vice Chair: Susan Hedrick
Advisor: Patricia Upshaw, PDP

AEF One-Page Summary -2023-2024
Working Program Summary Sheet