The Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation (VA&R) program promotes the American Legion Auxiliary’s (ALA) mission toenhance the lives of veterans, military personnel, and their families by ensuring restoration and/or transition to normally functioning lives.
The Department of Virginia’s VA & R special project will be to form a partnership with Valor Farm. This organization is located at 980 Wards Rd., Altavista, VA 24517. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides a Healthy Veteran Master Plan as they provide a community antidote to isolation, loneliness, and broken relationships. The residents will experience a renewed sense of community and camaraderie in the National Center for Healthy Veteran Village and will form lasting bonds of friendships. Formerly homeless veterans will not only have a place to live but a place to thrive and contribute. The website is
The ALA will continue to support the American Legion’s national initiative “Leading the Way,” encouraging all posts,units, and squadrons across the nation to conduct activities to raise awareness of the ever climbing number ofveterans (currently 17-20 daily) who give into their inner struggles and end their lives. Members are encouraged towear the “Be the One” shirts or pins, continue buddy checks, or any other small action that can help you “be the one to save one.”
What can you do under the VA&R Program?
- Support rehabilitation and healing of veterans through arts, crafts, and hobbies.
- Enroll Auxiliary members as VA Voluntary Service (VAVS) volunteers at VA healthcare
- If there is no VA hospital close to your community, find opportunities for Auxiliary members to serve veterans in your area, such as serving the homeless.
Help The American Legion, State Department of Veterans Affairs, and Chamber of Commerce promote job fairs for veterans and their families. We must capture and report the number of veterans you serve, your volunteer hours,mileage, monetary or in-kind donations, and your unit’s events and activities. Mid-year reports are due December 1,2024, and year-end reports are due by April 15, 2025.
Donations for the VA&R Special Project: Please address checks to the ALA Department of VA and mail them to P.O Box 6886, Richmond, VA 23230. Write “VA&R Project” on the memo line. Let’s have a great year assisting our Veterans! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.